Quote of the Month ~ April

 “Trust the Timing of your Life”

 Welcome to Quarter 2, I know the year is defiantly flying by.. but you must trust that you are right where you need to be, and everything happens for a reason. Slow down and focus on what you can control. Here are 3 reasons to Trust the Timing of your Life:

 1) Pressure is Minimized

    - From maintaining relationships to securing that dream job, there are many pressures we feel we must keep up with, especially to try to meet expectations from other people. If you trust the timing of your life, that pressure won’t even affect you. There’s no way to always be 100% sure of our future so it’s only wise we start learning to be friends with the unknown.

                2) You won’t feel the need to compare yourself to others

                - Majority of the time social only shows us the highlight of other’s lives. As a result, we might think we’re getting left behind and everyone else is moving on and finding success. Unless we tune in more to our inner purpose, we’ll understand that there’s no need to compare ourselves. We all have different timings. 

              3) You will realize to appreciate the Journey

              - After the mission is complete, it’s nice to look back and appreciate how far we’ve come. Trusting the timing of your life not only helps you have a more positive outlook on life, but it leads you right where you are meant to be. Trust that the universe has the best interest even when we don’t know it yet. 

  “As always continue to Breedlove.”

~Daisha Marie




Quote of the Month ~ May


Quote of the Month ~ March