Quote of the Month ~ August 2024
~ “Your energy introduces you before you even speak. Embody good
vibes and attract people who align with your positivity.”
In a world full of chaos, maintaining good energy is mandatory,
your vibration is your mental and emotional state of being, so when it’s high,
you’ll feel more confident and in touch with yourself. You’ll also feel happy,
loved, lighter, and more at peace when you’re in a high vibrational state. You
might also feel self-aware, emotionally balanced, grateful, and healthy.
How do you know if your vibration is low?
Low vibrations are the opposite of high vibrations. Associated with negative
thoughts, sickness, and confusion, low vibrations may be linked to low energy
and poor eating habits. You may also feel emotionally burdened or heavy, or
struggle to see the brighter side of things.
1. Connect with Nature
Anytime you feel overwhelmed and your vibrations fall, connecting with nature is a great way to ground yourself and release stress & tension. Going outside and moving your body can release endorphins, which are associated with happiness.
That can mean a quick walk, swimming outside, or simply lounging in your backyard with a good book. Pay attention to how good you feel after
2. Think Positively & Practice Gratitude
The Power of Manifestation is Real, what you think you attract. When you think Positive outcomes no matter the situation that’s becomes the reality ofthe situation. It’s more powerful than you think.
Stating what your thankful for daily is one of the best ways to shift your mindset and keep your vibration high. For example, look around you.
What’s near you that you are grateful for? Is it your car? Your family? Or maybe just a roof over your head. The next time you feel fear or jealousy, transition yourself to gratitude and transform your
outlook to see the positive side of things. Meditation and a daily book is a great way to increase awareness to tap in & increase energy.
3. Cut Out All Things That Way you Down
One of the best ways to keep your vibrations high is be mindful of what you put in your body. You may find that eating certain healthy foods that help you feel energetic and connected while other foods may make you feel sluggish. Be mindful of these choices, and over time, you may find your mood and perspective shifting along with those choices. Not to mention your skin. You can also surround yourself with positive, upbeat people and remove negative influences from your life. Spend time with people who lift youup and bring joy. Anyone who stirs up negative emotions in you – the kind associated with low vibrations – may not be a fit for your life. It’s entirely your choice whether to cut someone off, and it’s a decision you shouldn’t take lightly. But when someone is truly toxic, removing them from the equation can tremendously shift your vibrations. Life is what you make it.
~As always Continue to Breedlove.